Thursday, October 7, 2010

It's all about the little things

 It's so cliche, the whole "life is all about the little things"...but it's impossibly true.  Recently my friend Carson and I went on a full day adventure across the city and beyond...up Mt Cargill and the Organ Pipes.  By the end of the day I was so exhausted I could barely move...apparently this is a common phenomenon which occurs when you hike 18 miles! :]

While we were walking--mind you it is the 4 seasons in one day thing, so sun, rain, fog, etc--we decided purely out of randomness to climb up Mt Cargill a different way than the path.  Mind you, there was another path that we took that went most of the way up.  That is, until we hit the rock climbing bit.  I do not think God intended me (being as short as I am) to be climbing up the face of a mountain, but we eventually made it!  I'm pretty sure Carson could have done the entire trip in 5 minutes, but he was sweet and waiting patiently for me to make it...

We stopped for lunch almost at the top, and all of a sudden I happened to turn back to look for something, and I saw it.  Now, my friends down here understand this, but I am pretty sure I did a complete STOKED face...and probably nearly gave Carson a heart attack with my flailing of arms and jiberish that came out something like:


I'm not sure if he understood my words, but once he saw the rainbow he completely got it.  Now, I have seen plenty of rainbows in my life, and my pictures can't even do it justice, because this rainbow was so incredibly stunning it literally took my breath away.  The colours were so vivd and intense...I have never seen anything like it in my life.

Stunning vivid in real life!!

Me with the rainbow...after the crazy hike!!!

It got me to thinking about how it really is the little things in life.  Even things such as this rainbow just completely made my entire day (felt like life).  Which led to, through the course of 2 huge apples, a water bottle and sandwich, a discussion of choices.  Just the choice of choosing to go on that hike instead of staying home or doing something else, impacted me.  Over the course of the past 3 months I have made hundreds and thousands of choices, both large and small, which have completely changed everything.  I know that I already posted a blog about change, so I will try not to delve too deep into the subject, other than mentioning the I can feel it.  

When I go back to my home university I will have to give presentations on study abroad--be an ambassador of the entire process I suppose?--and all I can really say here is that if anyone gets the chance to do studying abroad or travel, just do it.  It will change your life, it will inspire you, it will stay with you the rest of your life.  Going home is going to be a very difficult step in the process as well.  I cannot possibly try to explain this experience, and I know that I am going home a very different person.  But all of the changes are good ones....I know that I have gained so much independence, maturity, and knowledge.  I wouldn't trade this experience for the world!!

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