Thursday, August 12, 2010

Yellow Eyed Creature

So I was going to write a blog entitled "New Zealand is synonymous with Fire", seeing as the kiwis have a strange infatuation with lighting things on fire... but instead I thought that maybe it would actually be more appropriate to title it "New Zealand is Synonymous with Sickness".

Three days after I moved here, I got an eye infection, and 2 days later a cold that lasted almost 4 weeks. I was just recovering when I was forced to hitchhike and consequently caught another cold.  I woke up at 5:00 AM today with a searing pain in my right eye, only to have the realization the my other eye was not doing so hot either.  When I got up and looked in the mirror, both of my eyes were completely red and bloodshot--not the hottest look on me.  Unfortunately our medical facilities aren't open until 8:30 AM, so I tried my best to get some sleep inbetween before I called.  Turns out, during my appointment it was found out that my cold had turned into a lovely sinus infection resulting in my two infected eyes.  What a way to start my day!

The doctor leaned over to me and said in a reassuring tone, "Don't worry though, it's very common for people moving down here to be sick for weeks at a time."  Hmmm...there is nothing really reassuring about that fact actually! haha  The one cool point was that I had to have these weird colored drops put into my eyes to check for scaring or problems with my I was walking around town afterwards with bright yellow eyes, and whenever my eyes tear up, they produce yellow/orange teardrops...fairly interesting!

But all in all, as much as I hate being sick and cannot WAIT for the day I can sit in my room and think to myself, "WOW I can breathe again!", it surprisingly doesn't make me love this country any less.  Maybe it makes me hate winter just a little bit more, but not much else.  Apart from this week being one of the most stressful weeks I've had in a long time (3 major tests, 2 essays and 2 more tests this coming week!), life seems to be going alright! Next weekend my guy friends and I were talking about maybe going tramping long as I'm not dead it sounds like a fantastic idea! :)

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