Sunday, August 22, 2010

Julie & Julia Moment?

Ever seen the movie Julie & Julia? While it's not my favorite movie, I do feel like I'm having one of those moments...for those of you who are blissfully unaware of what film I am talking about, in summary it's all about food.

As previously mentioned, I am having a love affair with my gym.  However the case, I am additionally then having quite the fling with cooking.  I always knew that I loved food, but who knew how much I would end up absolutely adoring cooking?

I feel incredibly dull witted or ignorant.  Or maybe in this case, all of the above? I am going back to cooking basics to cook food, how to dice/mince/chop food, how to mix herbs and spices...and so far it's actually gone fairly well! I've been on cooking adventures with: Thai curry beef soup, cinnamon pancakes, chicken and noodle/dumpling soup, honey baked apples, apple crisps, cakes, muffins, garlic breads, beef stronganoff, spaghetti carbonara, chocolate dipped biscotti, and lemon custard.  If groceries down here didn't cost me an arm and a leg (and I didn't have to fly back home in only 3 months!) I feel like I would spend way too much on spices, herbs, and all around groceries!  I can't wait to go home and try all of these recipes out on friends and family!

There are still a million and twelve (yes, that is an exact number) of recipes that I would like to try out still! Some are homemade breads (without bread makers), mexican pizza, donuts, thai basil rolls, etc etc.  Wait...there really isn't too much that I DON'T want to try making!

Tomorrow my friend and I are going to be cooking something for lunch....I'm unaware as to what this will be yet....but he and I usually are able to whip up some good things, so we'll see!  Now after all this thought about food in addition to reading so many food blogs, I am starving! Ah, the downside to all of this :)

PS A special thanks to my dearest mother for sending me the apron...I love it!

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